This is what we call a Play By Email, or PBEM. They dump my save file in their folder, load it up, have their turn, and send it back.
I then dig up the save file & send it off across vast tracts of fibre-optic cable laid across oceans to somebody far far away. I have my turn, hit End Turn, then when it comes to the next player's turn I save and exit the game. In the day and age of the internet (sorry HazardHawk :P) we can now abuse the hotseat function. Hotseating works particularly well for, say, Worms games. Hotseating for any game is one player has their turn, they end their turn, they get off the computer (leaving a 'hot seat,' hence the name), and the next person gets on and has their turn. Just fiddle around in the menu settings and you'll see :P
Originally posted by Inardesco:I still don't know how hotseat work